A call to cut down-----
Obesity is the widespread epidemic of the world today.
Nipping it in the bud sounds practically feasible when the society has genuine
concerns of Obesity Woes.
Bunk the junk and give a big parting hug to obesity!
With your eyes on the pointer of the weighing scales, you
can steadily keep a tab on your calorie counts and burn outs.
Isn’t it a mood booster to know that one has shed a few
pounds to fit into a traditional hand - me -down dress?
It’s possible, though not easy to bend your will to offer
least resistance to a healthy lifestyle at all times. When temptations of
processed food and sugar loaded stuff lure you, just take a step back before
you indulge in the seemingly attractive goodies. Crazy Cravings might always
stimulate you to indulge in hogging the not so healthy food. A lifestyle that
sustains good health tomorrow, calls for action today. Procrastination, the
stealthy thief is subtle in a myriad ways to sway your determination .Dare to
resist these capturing craves which lead to a lacerated lifestyle.
Obesity is the stigma with which many live today.
What’s your decision this day to end this stigma??
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